Focus on scale with our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions that #FocusOnYou

Optimize your ERP applications for retail effortlessly, while you aim for growth.

Strengthen the backbone of your business with tailor-made enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions

In today’s digital landscape, leveraging customized ERP applications is crucial for gaining control over enterprise operations and customer information. At Korcomptenz, we specialize in ERP services, offering 19+ years of experience in technology advisory and implementation. Our focus on cost-effectively maximizing results for your business sets us apart as a leading ERP service provider

We work with top ERP solutions like Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP, providing comprehensive ERP consulting services tailored to your needs. Whether it’s ERP implementation, finance and operations, manufacturing, retail, supply chain management, or human resources, we ensure seamless maintenance, modification, and customization of your applications. Partner with us for a 360-degree digital transformation journey, where we help you plan ambitiously for the road ahead by leveraging the most efficient Microsoft ERP solutions.

As a SAP solutions provider, we also offer expertise in Microsoft ERP Solutions


As a Microsoft Gold Certified Dynamics ERP Partner, we’re skilled in:

As an Oracle ERP solution provider, we have competencies in:

Customer satisfactionis ensured with every product made right

with Quality Control Management add-on for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Customer satisfaction guaranteed with every product made right

with Quality Control Management add-on for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Customizing Microsoft Dynamics 365 to fit your goals

Advisory & Consultation

Although we are Microsoft Solution provider, we have helped many Fortune 1000 companies with their decision on the right choice of ERP for retail and manufacturing.

We bring to you the best of solutions to scale your business. From new platform selection and cloud migration to business intelligence and data warehousing, we offer unbiased consultative services. Check our ERP Advisory and Consultation solution to decide what ERP best suits your business needs

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Rescue and Recovery for Delay Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Korcomptenz is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner that offers a full spectrum of ERP and CRM services  we have helped many Clients with Rescue and Recovery of their large implementation roll outs and taken over from existing vendors

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Upgrade & Migration

We have customized services that help you upgrade and migrate your ERP applications with less effort and investment. We offer solutions to address your legacy software as well.

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Support & Maintenance

Korcomptenz is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner that offers a full spectrum of ERP and CRM services needed to strategically manage your growing business while maximizing your operation excellence.

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Help your customers help themselves to a tailor-made sales order

with the Product Configurator add-on for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Help your customers help themselves to a tailor-made sales order

with the Product Configurator add-on for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Our unique KorOps workflow is designed with a #FocusOnInnovation

CRM ERP Solutions
ERP Solutions

Our expertise in ERP implementation helps you:

Unlocking the benefits of ERP for manufacturing your industry


  • Improved supply chain management
  • Shop floor flexibility
  • Better customer service
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  • Optimized operation processes
  • Intuitive process systems
  • Improved engagement models
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Retail & Fashion

  • Omnichannel presence
  • Personalization
  • Supply chain optimization
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Medical Device

  • Regulatory requirements and validation
  • Complete traceability and quality controls
  • Build end-to-end supply chain visibility through automation
  • Improve inventory and warehouse management
  • Ensure secure, accessible, and quality experiences throughout the care journey
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Packaging Industry

  • Profound insight into packaging raw materials
  • Improve supply chain efficiencies
  • Observance to regulatory compliances is easy
  • Back muti-country as well as multi-currency environments
  • Automated data entry saving valuable resources and time, signifying more productivity
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  • EdTech planning and implementation
  • Student and faculty relationship management
  • Custom onboarding applications
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Partnering with the best to serve you better

Setting up best practices for your
continued success

FAQs on
ERP Solution

An ERP solution generally encompasses an extensive array of attributes and capabilities intended to amalgamate and oversee diverse facets of your business operations. Some prevalent functionalities include:

  • Financial Management: Encompassing essential accounting functions like the general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial reporting, budgeting, fixed assets, treasury and management reporting, and more.
  • Supply Chain Management: Encompassing inventory management, procurement, order processing, demand forecasting, supplier management, and advanced warehouse management in an ERP solution.
  • Manufacturing and Production: Covering aspects like Bill of Materials (BOM), management of work orders, production scheduling, quality control, shop floor control, and a manufacturing execution system.
  • Project Management: Incorporating project planning, allocation of resources, tracking tasks, budgeting, costing, and generating project reports.
  • Business Intelligence and Reporting: Involving data analytics, dashboards, and real-time reporting to facilitate well-informed decision-making in your ERP solution.
  • Integration and Collaboration: Ensuring smooth integration with other systems and applications, alongside collaboration tools to enhance communication and productivity.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Reporting: Offering features that assure adherence to industry regulations and streamline timely reporting.
  • Mobility: Providing mobile access and functionality for convenient access to critical business information while on the move.
  • Security and Access Control: Implementing robust security measures to safeguard sensitive data and effectively manage user access privileges.
  • Customization and Extensibility: Providing the flexibility to tailor the ERP solution according to specific business requirements and integrate with third-party applications

Yes, an ERP solution can be customized to suit your specific business requirements. Most modern ERP systems offer a range of customization options, including creating new fields, workflows, and reports, as well as integrating with other applications and systems. However, it’s important to carefully plan and implement customizations to ensure they align with your long-term business goals and minimize the impact on system upgrades and maintenance. Leveraging the built-in configuration tools and following best practices can help tailor the ERP solution to meet your unique needs effectively.


An ERP solution enhances demand forecasting and planning through the utilization of data analytics and machine learning, optimizing inventory levels and production schedules through the following approaches:

  • Data Consolidation: ERP systems centralize data sourced from different departments and processes such as sales, production, and the supply chain. This consolidation offers a comprehensive perspective on historical and real-time data, enhancing the accuracy of forecasts.
  • Demand Prediction: By harnessing data analytics and historical sales data, the ERP solution can recognize patterns and trends, leading to more precise forecasts of future demand. Machine learning algorithms contribute to ongoing learning and refinement of forecast accuracy.
  • Efficient Inventory Management: Armed with insights from demand forecasts, the ERP system fine-tunes inventory levels, striking a balance between maintaining sufficient stock and avoiding overstocking. This optimization results in reduced carrying costs and minimized occurrences of stockouts.
  • Streamlined Production Planning: ERP solutions employ projected demand to craft optimal production schedules. This alignment of production with projected demand curtails lead times, enhances resource utilization, and bolsters overall operational efficiency.
  • Instantaneous Insights: The data analytics capabilities within ERP systems yield real-time insights into metrics like inventory levels, sales patterns, and customer requisites. These insights empower timely adaptations to inventory levels and production schedules, ensuring agility in response to market dynamics.
  • Collaboration with Suppliers: ERP solutions facilitate productive collaboration with suppliers. By sharing demand forecasts, these systems enable suppliers to synchronize their production and delivery schedules with your operational requirements.

An ERP solution incorporates an array of security attributes and access controls designed to safeguard sensitive information and guarantee adherence to industry-specific regulations. Here are several key security measures embraced by ERP systems:

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): ERP systems implement RBAC principles, assigning users distinct roles based on their job responsibilities. Each role is endowed with access solely to essential modules and data, curtailing unauthorized entry.
  • User Authentication and Authorization: ERP solutions employ robust user authentication methods, such as passwords, multi-factor authentication (MFA), or biometric verification, to establish user identity. Authorization protocols ensure that users can only access data and execute actions pertinent to their roles.
  • Data Encryption: Critical data within the ERP system, like financial records or personal particulars, undergoes encryption to shield it from unauthorized access or breaches.
  • Audit Trail and Logging: ERP solutions uphold meticulous audit trails that document user actions and alterations to the system. These logs play a pivotal role in detecting and probing into any dubious or unsanctioned activities.
  • Secure Data Transmission: ERP platforms rely on secure communication protocols, like HTTPS, to encrypt data as it travels between the user’s browser and the ERP application. This ensures the privacy of data during transmission.
  • Data Masking: To ensure data protection during testing or when conferring access to non-production environments, ERP solutions often employ data masking techniques. These techniques replace sensitive data with fictitious or scrambled data.
  • Password Policies: ERP systems enforce stringent password policies, mandating users to formulate intricate passwords and periodically modify them to heighten security.
  • Role-Based Workflow: ERP solutions can introduce workflows aligned with roles, ensuring that sensitive procedures, such as financial validations or data alterations, are directed solely to authorized personnel for evaluation and action.
  • Compliance Features: ERP solutions frequently include specialized features to assist organizations in complying with industry regulations and data protection laws. These features could encompass controls for data retention, logs of data access, and reporting functionalities to validate compliance.
  • System Updates and Patches: Regular updates of the ERP system encompassing security patches and software upgrades are integral. These updates help shield against acknowledged vulnerabilities and potential exploits.

An ERP solution aids inventory management by offering comprehensive tools and functions to effectively handle various inventory aspects. Here’s how it supports:

  • Real-time Inventory Tracking: An ERP solution furnishes live monitoring of inventory levels, allowing businesses to accurately oversee stock across numerous locations and warehouses.
  • Inventory Optimization: Leveraging demand forecasting and historical data analysis, an ERP system fine-tunes inventory levels. This ensures adequate stock for demand while reducing carrying costs and mitigating stockout risks.
  • Order Management: ERP solutions streamline order processing, automatically updating inventory levels during order placement, picking, and shipping, streamlining efficient order fulfillment.
  • Reorder Point and Safety Stock: ERP systems facilitate the establishment of reorder points and safety stock thresholds. When stock dips below set levels, these triggers automatically generate purchase or production orders.
  • Inventory Valuation: ERP solutions offer diverse methods for inventory valuation, like FIFO (First In, First Out) or LIFO (Last In, First Out), aiding in precise financial recordkeeping.
  • Serial and Batch Number Tracking: ERP systems enable the monitoring of individual items via unique serial numbers or batches, enhancing traceability and recall management.
  • Inventory Reports and Analytics: ERP solutions present inventory reports and analytics, bestowing insights into inventory turnover, carrying costs, sluggish-moving items, and other vital metrics to guide well-informed decisions.
  • Barcode and RFID Integration: ERP systems can seamlessly integrate with barcode or RFID systems, streamlining inventory tracking, curtailing manual errors, and heightening data accuracy.
  • Vendor Management: ERP solutions aid in the management of vendor relationships, tracking lead times, evaluating supplier performance, and guaranteeing prompt and dependable inventory replenishment.
  • Stock Reconciliation: ERP systems facilitate periodic stock reconciliation to unearth disparities between physical and system-recorded inventory. This aids in detecting theft, shrinkage, or operational inefficiencies.
  • Multi-location Inventory Management: Tailored for businesses with multiple locations or warehouses, ERP systems grant centralized control and visibility over inventory levels, facilitating efficient stock transfers and order fulfillment.

An ERP solution significantly enhances advanced financial management through a comprehensive suite of tools and functionalities. Here’s how:

  • Integrated Financial Data: ERP systems consolidate financial data from various departments, providing a real-time and accurate view of the organization’s financial health. This integrated data facilitates better decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Automated Processes: ERP solutions automate financial processes such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, and payroll. This streamlines operations, reduces manual errors and ensures timely and accurate transactions.
  • Financial Reporting: ERP systems generate customizable financial reports, balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. These reports offer insights into the company’s financial performance, aiding in informed decision-making.
  • Budgeting and Forecasting: ERP solutions provide tools for budget creation, tracking, and forecasting. This enables businesses to set financial goals, monitor progress, and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Compliance and Governance: ERP systems help ensure compliance with financial regulations and standards by enforcing financial controls, audit trails, and automated approval workflows.
  • Multi-currency Management: For global operations, ERP solutions handle multi-currency transactions, conversions, and reporting, simplifying international financial management.
  • Financial Analytics: ERP systems offer financial analytics and data visualization tools that allow businesses to analyze trends, identify opportunities, and mitigate risks.
  • Cash Management: ERP solutions assist in optimizing cash flow by monitoring receivables and payables, and managing working capital effectively.
  • Asset Management: ERP systems track and manage company assets, including depreciation, maintenance schedules, and asset utilization.
  • Financial Planning and Analysis: Advanced ERP modules provide advanced financial planning and analysis capabilities, enabling scenario modeling, sensitivity analysis, and assessing the impact of different financial decisions.
  • Auditing and Security: ERP solutions maintain audit trails and role-based access controls, ensuring financial data security and accountability.
  • Integration with Other Departments: ERP systems integrate financial data with other departments like sales, procurement, and inventory, enabling a holistic view of the organization’s financial impact.

An ERP solution plays a pivotal role in project accounting by offering a comprehensive suite of tools and functionalities designed to streamline and optimize project-related financial management. Here’s how:

  • Project Cost Tracking: ERP systems enable the tracking of project-related costs, expenses, and resource utilization. This provides accurate insights into the financial health of individual projects.
  • Budget Management: ERP solutions allow the creation and management of project budgets, monitoring actual expenditures against planned budgets in real time.
  • Time and Resource Allocation: ERP systems help in tracking employee time and resource allocation to specific projects. This assists in accurate project costing and billing.
  • Revenue Recognition: ERP solutions automate revenue recognition processes based on project milestones, ensuring accurate revenue reporting and compliance with accounting standards.
  • Project Billing: ERP systems facilitate project-specific billing by capturing billable expenses, time entries, and other project-related costs. This ensures accurate and timely invoicing to clients.
  • Expense Management: ERP solutions centralize project-related expenses, ensuring that costs are appropriately attributed to specific projects for accurate reporting and analysis.
  • Profitability Analysis: ERP systems offer tools to analyze project profitability, considering both direct and indirect costs associated with each project.
  • Financial Reporting: ERP solutions generate project-specific financial reports, giving project managers and stakeholders insights into financial performance, budget variances, and cost projections.
  • Resource Planning: ERP systems aid in resource planning by allocating the right resources to projects, optimizing resource utilization, and preventing overallocation.
  • Real-time Visibility: ERP solutions provide real-time visibility into project finances, enabling project managers to make informed decisions promptly.
  • Integration with Other Modules: ERP systems integrate project accounting data with other modules such as procurement, inventory, and human resources, ensuring a comprehensive view of project-related financial impacts.
  • Compliance and Auditing: ERP solutions help maintain compliance with financial regulations and internal policies by enforcing controls, audit trails, and approval workflows.

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FAQs while looking to upgrade from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365

FAQs while looking to upgrade from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365

Currently Microsoft provides a direct upgrade path from Dynamics AX 2012 to Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply chain management, which essentially means that you can upgrade to Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations if you are on AX 2012 R2 or AX 2012 R3 and you are updated on the latest available cumulative update for your version.

ERP Supply Chain Thumbnail

How does ERP help optimize the supply chain?

The supply chain is considered one of the complex yet vital components of a business. To promote growth, it is imperative to have a robust system that streamlines various processes, including demand, procurement, supply, inventory, transportation, and customer data.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Artificial Intelligence

Last year, Microsoft introduced AI and its integration with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 suite of products. This powerful combination would only help Microsoft Dynamics enhance its deliveries through intelligent insights.

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