Salesforce Data Protection: Preventing Data Corruption and Duplication


Is Your Salesforce Data Really Safe?

The value of data cannot be overstated in today’s world. Accurate data sets can be used to devise strategies, execute plans, track business performance, and make process improvements. Businesses that use CRM solutions, such as Salesforce tools, should have plans in place to ensure that their valuable data is not corrupted or duplicated.

Data corruption can occur due to a problem in a company’s process or Salesforce settings, or even through no fault of their own. For example, on May 10, 2016, a major Salesforce outage resulted in a large portion of data being corrupted. This blog will help you enhance your Salesforce data protection activities, prevent the losses and duplications that you can control—and potentially correct with some settings or additional apps in Salesforce.

Salesforce Data Loss Prevention: Common Ways in Which Data Gets Corrupted

While there are a practically unlimited causes for data corruption and de-duplication, the most common issues occur on data entry into the Salesforce platform. Salesforce data protection capabilities use certain pieces of data to identify whether a user added to the system should be considered “new,” meaning not currently present in the system. These data points can be controlled in Salesforce, but they generally include some combination of email address, first name, and last name. A duplicate record is entered if Salesforce cannot match the new entry with an existing lead, contact or account.
Common Ways in Which Data Gets Corrupted

This can occur when:

As human mistakes are inevitable, the question becomes how best to identify and remove the issues on an ongoing basis, catching duplicates before the data attached to them gets messy.

Native Salesforce Tools

Salesforce provides two main tools to prevent duplications and potential corruption in your data.

Third-Party AppExchange or Services to Review Data

In addition to the tools offered by Salesforce, there are a variety of third-party apps that can be used to deduplicate data. These apps either run outside of Salesforce or within the platform. For example, Duplicate Check is a popular option. This app is an all-in-one solution that allows organizations to identify, manage, and merge duplicate records.

Salesforce AppExchange

One of the advantages of most third-party apps is that you can merge duplicates across different entry types, such as leads, accounts, and contacts. These apps are generally more flexible and offer more controls than the default Salesforce features.

For more information on preventing data corruption and whether you can use the standard Salesforce tools or require a third party app, please contact us.

Korcomptenz is a Salesforce Registered Consulting Partner. We’ve been in business for almost 20 years and can get you started on Salesforce by procuring the software, implementing and customizing the platform, importing and integrating your data, and providing full service support. Our seasoned teams of strategic thinkers also help map out your business processes and drive your Salesforce implementation, all at very cost-effective price points.

We also have proven capabilities in Salesforce Data Loss Prevention, Data Foundation, Data Quality, and Master Data Management and can help you create a transformative data management strategy by providing assessment reports at a department or process area-level along with department-level prioritization plans. We take a templated approach underpinned by assets to deliver exceptional outcomes factoring top-down and bottom-up elements.

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