How to leverage Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Sales & Marketing


Dynamics 365 for sales and marketing apps are natively integrated in intelligence and when used together automate the process, identifying and nurturing the prospects. Thus, sales and marketing teams can craft more personalized buyer experiences. This is enhanced further with Dynamics 365 sales insights and Dynamics 365 Customer Insights which help you to build a 360 degree view across the customers and integrate data sitting in the other databases across various aspects of your business. A Dynamics 365 partner also helps in extracting valuable insights that can get relationships and revenue. In fact these insights apps can also be used with your existing sales and marketing solutions.

What are the advantages of deploying Sales Insights and Customer Insights within Dynamics 365 Ecosystem?

As part of the Dynamics 365 consultants, the benefits were leveraging bandwidth connection to the services in Microsoft cloud and driving insights using Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI. Additionally native integration with Microsoft Power platform allows IT and non-technical to automate their day to day processes.

How does it address the Role of modern IT challenges?

IT is driving more impactful transformational changes, the increasing number of tools for communication like email and social media, online and in-person mediums and efficiently determining next best action. This is because the data is spread across different databases, services, solutions, and stores. Once data is brought together under a schema, it helps technical users to bring query, analysis, and reporting requests. Dynamics 365 solution providers provide a solid foundation like common data service and common data model as a part of Microsoft power platform.

Connected sales and marketing foundation with Insights Apps

Starting with Dynamics 365 sales it helps to manage the end to end sales process from lead to orders. The end user experience with sales hub enjoys perks like webapps which can be used by both desktop and mobile users. It has sales design for both sellers and managers with Customer Management capabilities adding, viewing activities and as well as having access to future opportunities. team management analytics and dashboards. It helps to create customer and prospect lists for campaigns. Dynamics 365 marketing brings marketing automation which helps turn prospects to business relationships. With Dynamics 365 marketing we can manage end to end marketing campaigns with personalized emails, follow up activities, workflows and more. With dashboards and reports we can track performance of our marketing initiatives. With sales and marketing applications running at the core and within this data trends began to form allowing you to apply AI and driving insights. In fact sales insights and customer insights collect data from other irrelevant data sources.

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What Are the Key Benefits of Using Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Sales and Marketing?


Microsoft Dynamics 365 for sales and Marketing integrated with insights gives you a 360 degree view of your customers. It gives intelligent sales and marketing solutions. Built in AI helps customers to match data between fields and data is secured and can be used by different business analysts smoothly.

Korcomptenz is a Microsoft Gold 365 Certified Partner headquartered in New Jersey. We specialize in optimizing Microsoft application deployments and we can save you up to 50% with our unique methodology.

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