5 Ad-Tech Investments to Make in Your Advertising Agency


5 Ad-Tech Investments to Make in Your Advertising Agency in 2022

Evolving technologies always foster critical analysis, and ad-tech is no exception to the rule.

Rapid changes in content trends, consumer choices, and digital channels have reshaped the creative and advertising industry. Here’s an example: The American mobile ad market accounts for 67.9 percent of total digital ad spending. The US market for mobile ads is expected to touch 166.88 billion dollars in 2022.

When content is delivered in tiny snippets with little or no creativity, it means that traditional agencies and advertising firms whose bread and butter is strong creatives and design need to adapt or lose relevance in the market.

One way to adapt is to focus much more seriously on technology-driven services that can generate returns for agency customers through more innovative marketing. From marketing automation to email campaigns to personalized video content, the landscape of digital offerings that can help advertising firms grow and evolve is immense.

Let’s explore the top technology areas that an advertising agency should focus in 2022 to earn more wallet-share from consumers for their customers.

Smart devices and voice-based enabled advertising

The consumption of ad content has moved beyond print, radio, television, and the internet. Smart devices like wearables and home speakers such as Google Home, Amazon Echo, and much more are on the rise and are highly desirable targets for certain industries. Smart voice assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri are offering new opportunities for brands to connect with personalized messaging. Today, interactive voice ads have taken center stage. The omnipresence of voice assistants and the drive to shove voice-based technology investments are encouraging entrepreneurs across industries to look for more monetization opportunities.

Smart devices and voice-based enabled advertising

Through independently-held ad networks and collaborations, these businesses will deliver a combination of interactive voice ads as well as proactive, spontaneous purchasing recommendations to their target audience.

Though the creative developed for these new mediums won’t be visual, there are opportunities for smart, memorable contextual voice-based campaigns and marketing collateral.

On a side note: As the old saying goes, all that’s old will be new again. Who would have guessed we live in an era when traditional letter writing skills are paramount to writing effective emails and now old-time radio advertising is on the rise with voice-powered assistants?

Personalization through AI

Personalization through AI

The power of AI has already impacted and improved customer relationship management. There are several examples of CRM providers like Salesforce using AI to redefine targeted marketing and create levels of personalization in campaigns with less manual intervention than ever before. As AI continues to proliferate, advertisers in these channels will deliver value with automated personalization.

In 2022, AI will improve marketing campaigns to deliver more customized and highly focused messages to customers at apt points in the customer lifecycle.

The AI-enabled tools that analyze behavior, voice, or image recognition could assist businesses to learn more about modern consumer needs and their expectations. This is how you can churn out more humanized content that is relevant and more authentic to build a stronger brand-customer relationship.

A simple example could be an emotional analysis of video content and display ads based on the sentiment of the scene. We have already seen how powerful machine learning tools have enabled the auto-generation of subtitles, character recognition, etc. The next level is offering avenues for embedded ad content tailored to match the tone and meaning displayed.

Content Marketing

Although content marketing is nothing new, the way it gains attention and traction in the market has changed dramatically over the past few years. Here is how. Did you know that 90 percent of marketers leveraging content marketing in the past years will continue to invest in it in 2022? Again, 66 percent of marketers hope that their content marketing budget will shoot up further in 2022 than their budget last year.

Content marketing has evolved from a basic technique for demand generation into a focal point for branding, driving behavioral changes in consumers, and setting the tone for an emotional connection between the consumer and a business.

Content Marketing

Technology plays a significant role in this regard by opening an entire range of personalized content marketing avenues. It could be as simple as building a CMS-powered business website integrated with the best marketing automation platforms, or it could be a state-of-the-art email management platform that automates email campaigns and promotions.

Data-driven target base

Thanks to stiff competition, brands need to differentiate their target audiences at ever more granular levels to promote personalized offerings and remain competitive. Advertising agencies need to have a clear list of subjects for their content, whether videos, texts, or images. Obtaining this kind of comprehensive filtered target list for advertising is made possible through technology solutions like lead generation platforms, intelligent CRM solutions, and efficient CMS-powered enterprise websites. Website cookies, analytics, and social media also provide useful targeted customer data. Besides understanding which data is valuable, the bigger challenge is ensuring data quality in 2022, as there is an overload of inaccurate, obsolete, redundant, and duplicate information. For making precise decisions based on correct metrics, you need to invest in Martech stack, its essential components being CRM, marketing automation, email marketing, and CMS.

These channels provide highly valuable data about customers such as their preferences, their spending patterns, and much more. The greater the amount of data, the greater the opportunities for personalization and emotional connections. It also helps agencies to eliminate wasted effort and save costs for businesses that rely on their service.

Analytics for measuring performance

Last but not the least, technology plays a crucial role in measuring how effective an ad campaign or advertising activity has been. Given the substantial number of channels and means to connect with consumers, agencies need to be able to play in an entirely new, data-driven space and collect as much intelligent feedback from the channels they are using on behalf of their customers. The power and sophistication of big data platforms, machine learning, and sophisticated visualization tools will help agencies measure their effectiveness and identify those ads and channels that work and those that need improvements. They will also benefit by being able to promote their creative business to new prospects with metrics backed by bulletproof methodologies.

Final Thoughts

Forward-thinking ad agencies will be focused on taking advantage of the digital disruption happening around the world and adapting their business to suit latest trends and the aspirations of consumers. The goal remains to have their client’s brand positioning perfectly communicated to the right audiences and result in conversions and deals, but the tools are rapidly changing. Technology is now a critical factor.

Get in touch with us to explore the latest ad-tech you can use in your business today.

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